Sunday, August 21, 2011

I have been playing and reading and visiting museums. Not half bad for a summer holiday.... I have not being blogging though!

.......Its a richness of new information and experience thats exciting to me now. This summer I have been a veritable sponge for new sights and sounds, words and thought. I have been particularly in love with seeing great books illustrated, ancient drawings and colorful plates from thousands of years museums.......and researching, for and I have been reading. Which, has been up till now, such a difficulty or me these last couple of years, but for poetry. My own life seemed fictitious for a while in its drama and tragedy, that I think I found it so difficult to pick up any one else's story...... Ah but now, its a wonder to me again, to sit with a book and read, and feel such genuine interest and excitement.
To delve into the Library is a favorite for me and little Madeleine right now, she is going through an obsession with  Beatrix Potter, and wants herself to be a writer and illustrator now, I am delighted, its a good dream: ) She has asked me to dress her like olden days and has been wearing white a lot and carrying her umbrella about.

I am presently reading Derek Jarman's book Choma, a book about color written by him as he was loosing his sight. Its beautiful and profound to say the least and also very poetic in its structure.
Of course I have also been enjoying the lovely blogs around here, and making new bright connections, finding sisters, in all manners of places: )

.........We are packing up the car today, and taking a little adventurous trip, visiting some friends and family, and doing sundances in the rain praying for a couple of sunny days at the beach before we return to school.

In these pics we are birds, did you guess??? flying off edges and soaring into new ways and having tremendous fun in the doing of it. I am dreaming of coming back and beginning in the studio again. With summer and school holidays, I have had sweet Madeleine by my side all summer, and have had little chance to get down there. But filling up on the richness of life with Madeleine and beloved friends has made me such a mountain of new threads in all colors to make new works with and finish old.
And, to write here with!!!!!

Thank you Dear Reader

xx E


  1. Liz...sounds like you are having a relaxing summer.
    The book 'Chroma' by Jarman sounds very interesting, did you get it at the library?

    I can imagine Maddie dressed in white with her little brolly, how adorable.

  2. I love your daughters face of glee in the last pic! Sand dunes are the best fun, especially made for running down huh! We went to the BIG library today ("big" meaning not the small little one in our village - but the bigger one in town), it was really exciting to see the larger range of books...and i'm completely giving myself away as a booknerd here aren't i. needless to say, it was our outing for the day. Books in tow.

  3. with Beatrix Potter, and wants herself to be a writer and illustrator now, I am delighted, its a good dream
    That's a great dream to have. Potter also had an interest in nature with a scientist's eye (she was really into studying fungi). So really, a talented woman, who could write and draw beautifully, was a learned naturalist, and also helped preserve land near the Lake District.

    Those photos are wonderful - I'm glad you're having a fun summer with rich experiences.
